Oprah could make her first entry into politics
Oprah's name is allegedly being considered to replace 89-year-old Senator Dianne Feinstein.
Oprah Winfrey is allegedly being considered to replace California Senator Dianne Feinstein in the event of her retirement.
Winfrey has a multibillion-dollar net worth and is one of the world's most recognizable media celebrities. According to the Associated Press, a list of candidates that include Winfrey are currently being evaluated.
Feinstein's office confirmed last week that the 89-year-old is suffering from the shingles, according to a spokesman for CNN, Feinstein was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome and encephalitis.
The spokesperson stated that “while the encephalitis resolved itself shortly after she was released from the hospital in March, she continues to have complications from Ramsay Hunt syndrome."
After returning to the Senate in early May to vote, Feinstein spoke to reporters and denied she was ever absent from the Senate after she suffered from the shingles for months.
She has received demands to resign as a result of concerns about her cognitive ability. If a vacancy occurs in Feinstein's seat, Governor Gavin Newsom has the right to appoint a replacement.
He may even select himself, however state law dictates when an election must be held.
According to AP , the governor might potentially appoint a caretaker. Voters would then pick on someone who would keep the seat but would not be a Senate candidate in the following election.
Winfrey, a well-known celebrity and media mogul, coincidentally meets Newsom's vow to select a Black woman to the seat. However, the governor may have difficulty finding someone prepared to accept a short-term appointment.
Newsom recently stated in an interview that he was inundated with suggestions for filling the prospective Senate seat.
He described Feinstein as a mentor and one of his closest friends, and expressed hope that he would never have to fill her position.