US moving soldiers within Syria amid Resistance operations: Exclusive
Sources tell Al Mayadeen that the US occupation forces are moving their forces within the occupied Syrian territories amid fears of the Resistance's operations.
American soldiers patrol near a prison in al-Hassakah, Syria, February 8, 2022. (AP)
The US occupation forces are reported to be moving soldiers from one base to another in the countryside of al-Hasakah, northeast Syria, sources told Al Mayadeen on Saturday.
This comes as part of a redeployment effort carried out by US forces in an attempt to avert the repeated attacks carried out against them by the Resistance to expel their forces from the region.
According to Al Mayadeen's sources, the US occupation forces have been attacked around 100 times since the Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced that it would kickstart its operations against the US forces in Syria and Iraq in Resistance to the US and support of Gaza.
The operations began in light of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, which, in response to the brutal Israeli crimes, led regional Resistance factions to launch a wave of operations against Israeli and US targets, given Washington's direct involvement in the war.
US bases in Iraq and Syria have since been attacked over 150 times by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.
This also saw a Yemeni-enforced ban on Israeli and "Israel"-bound ships in the Red Sea, which later evolved into Sanaa listing US and UK naval assets among the target bank after the two countries carried out several aggressions on Yemen.
US pulling out of Syria?
This action is "not linked to rumors of a US withdrawal from Syria," the sources said, underlining that the US forces, in cooperation with the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), launched a security campaign inside the al-Hol camp on Saturday that is set to last for several days.
Foreign Policy had reported that the US was considering pulling out its occupation forces from Syria following almost a decade of illegal presence under the guise of fighting the Islamic State, deeming further presence in the country as "unnecessary."
This potential measure comes amid increasingly growing risks of a regional war in the Middle East as the US-backed Israeli ongoing genocide on Gaza nears its 4-month mark, and Washington reassessing its military priorities.
Read more: US amending broken deterrence in Syria by fortifying occupation bases
Since pushing forces into eastern and northeastern Syria, the US went on to establish several military bases and sites, where some 900 soldiers are currently stationed as per Pentagon claims, to oversee the stealing of Syria's vast oil and gas resources, as well as destabilizing its security and backing proxy groups such as the SDF.