'Israel' and its Western backers cannot accept that they have been defeated
The Zionist project is approaching its end. It can either be forced into salvaging its existence for now, in the form of achieving a ceasefire, or it can take the decision to immediately eliminate itself in the coming weeks or months.
What occurred on October 7 was simply the act of pulling down the first card, we are now watching that house of cards tumble. (Al Mayadeen English; Illustrated by Mahdi Rtail)
As we watch the horrifying carnage wrought out of Gaza’s civilian population, one thing has become perfectly clear, the Zionist project has already been defeated. In fact, one could argue that this defeat began in 2014, following the Israeli retreat from its ground incursion that year, where it revealed a complete lack of solutions for dealing with the Gaza Strip.
What happened on October 7 was not just significant in the cost it imposed on the Israeli regime for its brutal and dehumanizing blockade on Gaza, it was significant in its dismantlement of one of the pillars of the Zionist project altogether. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, despite facing massive internal upheaval over his planned judicial system overhaul, was pretty clearly seen as the man for the job when it came to “Israeli security”. Interestingly enough, as there have already been ample parallels drawn between the October War of 1973 and this current war, it is fitting that we compare Netanyahu’s regime to that of Golda Meir’s. Although these two political figures are starkly different in the realm of Israeli politics, they shared the element of being trusted in maintaining “security”; in the case of Golda Meir, this was largely due to her defense minister, Moshe Dayan, dubbed “Mr. Security” prior to the Syrian-Egyptian surprise attack.
For the Israelis, the ideas of security and deterrence are pillars on which their belief in the Zionist project rests. For the Zionists, they seek a “Jewish State” for the purpose of providing a protected and safe environment in which they can inhabit, a kind of Jewish exclusivist utopia. This idea is so strong that they can detach the idea from the specific confines of how it relates to the Palestinian cause for national determination, simply sidelining the issue while the situation is stable. Since the end of the Second Intifada in the mid-2000s, the Palestinian issue had slowly faded into the background for the Zionist regime and its public, bar the occasional flare-ups that caused limited damage and casualties to the Israeli side. This was shattered on October 7, with the attack destroying the image of Benjamin Netanyahu, while undermining the idea of safety for Israelis while they presided over a system of Apartheid.
At this point, the Israeli leadership is still hanging onto the idea of eradicating Hamas, along with the other Palestinian groups in the Gaza Strip, however, they know full well that this goal is unattainable without a ground operation. Instead of launching a ground operation, which is clearly a death trap for Israeli soldiers at this point, the Zionist regime has attempted to rally the support of its American sponsors to enact a civilian bloodletting inside the Gaza Strip as punishment. What the Israelis are carrying out is not designed to inflict a blow upon Hamas, it is designed specifically to make an example out of the people of Gaza and to attempt to inflict so much pain that it will undo the idea of victory for the Palestinian people.
The problem that the Zionist war government now faces is a lack of any clear goals to provide to its public, the obvious ones would be an attempt to take out significant targets of military value to the Palestinian resistance, including military leaders, in addition to freeing at least some of the hostages. Instead, the Israeli military has decided to massacre civilians, while blocking all humanitarian aid to the Gazan civilian population. Although the Israelis may be supportive of this campaign right now, this could quickly start changing if there are no clear amendments to Netanyahu’s strategy.
If the Zionists enter Gaza on the ground - which is the only way to achieve any significant victory - they have destroyed so much infrastructure already that the terrain greatly benefits the defender. This, while the Palestinian resistance has already put in place a defense strategy to begin with. In the event that they enter Gaza on the ground, they will face massive combatant casualties, while also potentially triggering a regional war by roping in other actors such as Lebanese Hezbollah. If regional war erupts, we can safely assume that this will bring about the complete destruction of the Zionist regime, while also possibly dragging the Americans into the conflict. There are reports emerging, in which it is suggested that the Israelis will attempt to use nerve gas to flood the Gaza tunnel system. Besides this being a horrific war crime, this will almost certainly spell regional war immediately.
Another option that Benjamin Netanyahu has, is to focus on the occupied West Bank. He could make one move: to further establish control over area C (roughly 60% of the territory), while invading areas such as the Jenin refugee camp, along with trying to root out the resistance factions inside Tulkarem, Nablus, Aqbat Jabr camp, and beyond, similar to how it did in 2002. The problem that it would face, pursuing this option, is that it can no longer use the excuse of Hamas effectively as the Palestinian Authority (PA) will be forced to take steps in order to confront such actions. A massive operation in the West Bank, which could result in annexation and would entail ethnic cleansing, would put huge pressure on the PA and Jordan. Despite there being so many potential drawbacks to such a strategy, it is the only way in which the Israelis may see a route to produce military victories to show their own people.
Either way here, the Zionist project is approaching its end. It can either be forced into salvaging its existence for now, in the form of achieving a ceasefire, or it can take the decision to immediately eliminate itself in the coming weeks or months. In the event that Netanyahu chooses annihilation, it is not likely that he will go down without a fight, which will mean there is going to be a massive amount of death and destruction that will engulf the entire region. The question here is, will the US government support the Israeli regime in taking such a step, will it go all the way and actually launch a war against Iran? This is yet to be seen.
At this point, the US continues to lecture the world on “Western values”, while lying for an Apartheid regime that is enacting a genocide in Gaza. Not only is the US President, Joe Biden, the reason for allowing the horrific bloodshed in Gaza to continue, but he may potentially be leading us all to the brink of World War 3. There is no benefit to the American people for the US to back Israel in its horrifying blood-soaked bath of revenge, carried out against innocent civilians, this also only undermines the key interests of Washington. There is no sane reason why the US would throw away its priorities of combating China and Russia, only to pre-occupy itself with a war it cannot win in the Middle East. No American voter ever asked for this, there was no consensus reached on its current stance, just a bunch of incompetent corrupt politicians who are walking their own people into a fate they never chose.
In 2014, the Israeli military retreated from Gaza. They got sent back over the separation barrier with a bunch of black eyes and the reality check that they had no answer for how to deal with the Gaza Strip violently. Instead of attempting to approach Hamas through intermediaries, to ease the humanitarian situation and find some sort of a peaceful solution, the Israeli regime left Gaza to suffer, ignoring it, unless it had to shoot some people dead for getting too close to the Apartheid wall. The defeat began the second the Zionists gave up on creating a solution, that year was 2014. What occurred on October 7 was simply the act of pulling down the first card, we are now watching that house of cards tumble. The only question remaining is whether there will be a peaceful solution on the horizon. The answer to this is currently unclear.