'Israel' never had the right to exist
The Palestinians, through their resistance and suffering, will invalidate all UN resolutions on Palestine... It is the only path to ending the violence that we in the West have perpetuated through 500 years of colonialism.
If the UN wants to regain some credibility, it should abolish Resolution 181 (Illustrated by Batoul Chamas; Al Mayadeen English)
States have no intrinsic right to exist. Neither the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Senegambia, Czechoslovakia, nor the current Kingdom of Spain has the right to exist. The existence of states is only a fragile condition of possibility depending on the presumed consensus of the inhabitants of the territory. However, in the case of political organizations imposed through violence by foreigners, it is an obligation to confront them to their demise; whether it is a puppet regime built during a war (Manchukuo, Vichy regime) or an entity created by the invasion of settlers against native populations (Rhodesia, Cochinchina, Bechuanaland, South Africa with apartheid, or "Israel").
About "Israel", there are those who are shocked to hear that it has no right to exist. It is immediately gripped by decades of false axioms and propaganda from the West to sustain its colony in Palestine. After all, it is built on decades of false axioms and Western propaganda aimed to sustain their colonies in Palestine.
Manipulating emotions
Firstly, those who advocate for the disappearance of "Israel" are often assumed to be calling for a new genocide of the Jewish people who have settled in Palestine in recent decades. Of course, the West has always used the supposed revenge of the natives as propaganda to sustain their colonies. Restoring stolen property to the natives has fueled the myth that genocide is being committed in today's South Africa against the former white settlers. Even Rhodesia promoted the sexualized aesthetics of settler women to convince people to defend the colonial apartheid regime.
"Israel" is not even original when it comes to the tactic of using its female settlers, fetishizing them on TikTok by filming them dancing in military uniform, or inventing a gigantic tale about massive incidents of rapes committed by the natives the day they rose in the ghetto. At this point, let us remember: all Israelis are settlers because they unquestioningly sustain their colonial regime, discounting 20% of that society who are Palestinians with Israeli passports under legal discrimination and a few thousand genuine anti-Zionist Israelis.
The colonizing ideology of Palestine, Zionism, merges the two colonial subjects; the settler individuals and the political organization, to sow the idea that the liquidation of the regime includes the extermination of the people. It further links it with the following sophistry.
The second more subtle false principle is that those who deny "Israel's" right to exist also deny the genocide committed by the Germans against the Jews, the Holocaust. In today's Zionist propaganda (which shifted from its stance a hundred years ago), the creation of the colony in Palestine is portrayed as a consequence of Germany's extermination of the Jews. Furthermore, Zionism has positioned itself as the sole victim, often seeking to overshadow the millions of other victims of the Germans, such as the Russian and Belarusian Slavs who were murdered in much greater numbers, as well as other social groups like the Gypsies... etc.
For this reason, we are compelled to accept both the reality of the genocide of the Jews and "Israel's" "supposed right to exist" as a unified concept, with the implication that denying the latter equates to denying the former. Additionally, supporting the dismantling of "Israel" is portrayed as a desire to murder the Jewish people rather than a call to eliminate their identity as supremacist settlers.
What the Israeli settlers in Palestine have done by linking the Holocaust with the raison d'être of their regime is neither original nor new in history. The Boer/Afrikaner settlers connected the massacres of the Calvinists in Europe with their fight and with the raison d'être of their colonization of South Africa against the native Africans. When the West brought down the Pretoria regime 35 years ago, no one would think of defending the South African apartheid regime for the massacres of Calvinists in Europe several centuries earlier or claim that Mandela sought to exterminate Calvinists. Apart from what happened in Europe, persecuted Jews or Calvinists arrived in Palestine or South Africa as violent armed settlers, in both cases claiming to be God's chosen ones. As in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, we are faced with the reality that colonization is a violent process and so is decolonization, regardless of the religion professed by the settlers.
Western propaganda has also exported and universalized the guilt for the genocide committed by German fascism, transforming it into global guilt. This has led people in countries like India, Bolivia, and Kenya to feel more horrified by the Holocaust than by the horrendous colonial genocides their own people suffered at the hands of Europeans. Germany and the rest of Judeophobic Europe have been relieved of their heavy burden of having massacred the Jewish people by spreading that guilt across all the inhabitants of the planet.
The combination of this Zionization of the Holocaust and the transfer of guilt explains the strange reason why the World Holocaust Museum (Yad Vashem) is located in Palestine and not in Germany, the country that perpetrated it. It is also the reason why the museum has a wall dedicated to the Palestinians as allies of the Nazis, encouraging visitors to associate the natives with being genocidal.
In addition, recent legislation passed in the US effectively defines Palestinians as "antisemites" simply because they are the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine. Efforts by the US and Europe to ban the slogan "Free Palestine from the river to the sea" are as absurd and futile as if they had attempted banning "Free South Africa from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean" 40 years ago.
All of this is part of an attempt to ensure that the Palestinians bear the burden of German and European crimes against the Jewish people while maintaining a stronghold for regional dominance.
In the end, propaganda easily dissolves with history. Of course, the construction of the Israeli colony in Palestine predates the German crimes in World War II. In 1920, Britain militarily occupied Palestine and began to bring in Jewish settlers en masse, with the decision to establish a "state" that, in reciprocity, would help Westerners to dominate the oil region and the Suez Canal. The British drew up the first partition maps of the territory in 1937 when they saw that the native Palestinians were jeopardizing the entire project by rising in their first great revolt in 1936 against Zionist colonization. The concept of partition, which creates "two states", always aims to secure for the colonizer at least a portion of what they have conquered when there's a realization that they might lose everything.
Disguising the illegitimate as legitimate
Also, there are other false axioms coated with presumed legitimacy that are used to defend "Israel's" existence.
On the one hand, the alleged right of self-determination of people of the Jewish religion to form their "state" is as surreal as if the Christian people of the entire planet were to exercise self-determination to establish a supremacist state, with twice as many inhabitants as China, and they would all invade Palestine because it is the cradle of Jesus and the first Christians. Following this Zionist logic, the 1.5 billion Muslims should also live around Mecca and Medina.
In any case, if it is accepted that different people from different countries with the same religious, political, or sexual orientation have the right to self-determination, this can never be exercised at the expense of the indigenous inhabitants, such as Palestine.
In the face of this fallacy imposed as truth, the sponsors of the Israeli colony, the USA and Europe, have denied the native Palestinians their own right to self-determination in their own land, which was supposedly the mission under which the British troops occupied Palestine a hundred years ago.
On the other hand, there is a fraudulent legitimacy to defend the existence of "Israel" with the imposition of the partition of Palestine. On November 29, 1947, a minuscule UN of 57 countries, most of whom are subject to the European powers (today the UN is made up of almost 200 countries), decided to recommend the partition of Palestine without consulting its inhabitants.
The General Assembly recommended partitioning what it had no right to partition, not only because it did not comply with the UN Charter itself, but also because it did not have the consent of the majority of the territory's indigenous population and had only that of the minority European settlers. This is baffling considering that today, the principles of will and consent are sought to be the center in the regulation and legislation of human relations, in contracts, marriages, commerce, and sexual relations, differentiating the legitimate and the illegitimate.
The minuscule and colonialist UN applied to the letter the postulates of the promoter of the colonization of Palestine, Arthur Balfour, who said in 1919, "In Palestine we do not propose to consult the wishes of the inhabitants of the country, because Zionism, wrong or right, is more important than the wishes of the Arab inhabitants."
The Palestinians were muzzled just as they are silenced today, nothing has changed.
For the UN it would be better to revoke the illegitimate Resolution 181
Ultimately, the partition fraud disappeared twenty years later. Since 1967, the Israeli regime has been the sole governing authority over the entirety of Palestine, spanning from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. This regime administers the lives of all inhabitants, including Palestinians and Israeli settlers, through varying laws and actions depending on their location and identity.
The illegitimate aspects committed by dividing the territory to guarantee a portion to the settlers made up the first chapter of the story. The second chapter is the colonization of the whole territory of Palestine, and one cannot explain the reality or find solutions by re-reading only the first chapter of the fictitious "two states" without moving on to the second chapter. Even the West and "Israel" managed to co-opt Palestinian leaders so that in the Oslo Accords of 1993, they accepted the partition fraud and validated the existence of "Israel".
However, no matter what, "Israel" is a failed colonial project.
If the UN wants to regain some credibility, it should abolish Resolution 181.
This is not new, since it already revoked in 1991 a resolution condemning Zionism in order to protect "Israel".
It should then reactivate the Special Committee against Apartheid, which in the 1970s denounced both South Africa and "Israel".
Instead, Antonio Guterres adheres to the colonial rhetoric of the "two states" as prescribed by Western powers, perpetuating a script that aims to dangle this notion as bait to secure the survival of their stronghold in Palestine and the support of compliant Arab regimes.
A genocidal regime must disappear
As if the aforementioned atrocities were not enough that we are confronted with this stark reality.
More than one hundred thousand Palestinians killed, buried, and wounded in just a few months (5% of the population) is a rate of extermination greater than that committed by Germany on the Eastern Front during World War II. The dropping of more than four Hiroshima atomic bombs by the US and Europe, under the Israeli flag, along with widespread sadistic torture through starvation and disease, illustrate the lengths to which Western governments are willing to maintain their last colony. This colony serves as the epilogue of 500 years of colonial brutalities that were not broadcast live.
In the face of such atrocities, a multitude of intellectuals, journalists, and the main left-wing parties and trade unions in Europe continue to acquiesce to "Israel's" false right to exist. Even as genocide unfolds, the institutional left hesitates to demand the dismantling of the Israeli regime. Like Guterres, they recite the colonial and Zionist "two-state" mantra, absolving "Israel" of its crimes. They redirect our attention to the illusion of recognizing an aberrant Palestinian state comprised of the Bantustans of the West Bank and the devastated enclave of Gaza. In their fantasy, this Vichy regime, with its Western-appointed Palestinian Marshal Pétain, will happily coexist alongside "Israel".
The truth is that every minute they refrain from explicitly demanding the disappearance of "Israel" is another minute of their complicity with the crimes of that colony.
Historically, people who have fought for their national liberation have not concerned themselves with the opinions and value judgments of the left-wing parties in colonizing countries. Indigenous people fought as saw fit, without measuring the suffering and cost that such a generational struggle would entail. The Palestinians, through their resistance and suffering, will invalidate all UN resolutions on Palestine. Their decolonization will come, and the reversal of illegitimities will be enacted. It is the only path to ending the violence that we in the West have perpetuated through 500 years of colonialism.