Poland: The biggest winner of the armed conflict in Ukraine?
Poland is also a place where Xenophobia is considered a virtue, something that seemingly does not bother the EU anymore.
Poland - the biggest winner of the armed conflict in Ukraine?
As the fighting in Ukraine is entering its fourth month, and after the military aid from the West reached Kiev, the situation changed on the front and the outcome doesn’t seem so certain anymore. Yet there is already a major winner in this conflict - a country that hasn’t announced any casualties, a country that, officially, isn’t even involved in the conflict - Poland.
Poland is a European country and, sadly, a European Union member, with a government formed by an extremist party, Law and Justice (PiS), what we call a Hate Group, led by the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and by President Andrzej Duda. Being a presidential republic, the Prime Minister has little power as all the big decisions are taken by Duda, a man representing the same Hate Group, PiS.
On December 20, 2017, the European Commission, which is the government of European Union, triggered Article 7 against Poland, a formal warning given to the country accused of violating fundamental rights. The reason was a number of 13 laws that Poland adopted in two years that were affecting “the entire structure of the justice system in Poland, impacting the Constitutional Tribunal, Supreme Court, ordinary courts, National Council for the Judiciary, prosecution service and National School of Judiciary”.
Sadly, European Commission didn’t go any further with punishing Poland.
Poland is also a place where Xenophobia is considered a virtue, which completely goes against what we, Europeans, stand for. We want equal rights for everyone, no matter their race or ethnicity.
Xenophobia is a vice nobody should brag about, of course if that person isn’t Andrzej Duda, the president brought to power by Poland’s Xenophobia which exploded during his reign. He and his party convinced constituents that migrants from Africa and the Middle East would totally destroy the purity of their race and produce darker-skinned babies.
Duda had turned Poland into the cancer of European Union, a disease that was eating EU from within. We were all asking ourselves WHEN Poland would be thrown OUT of EU, as this seemed to be the next logical step.
It all changed, by miracle, at the end of February 2022, once the Russian forces entered Ukraine!
Poland started to allow access to migrants from Ukraine, blue eyed, blonde, certainly not Muslim. Well, these guys couldn’t “stain” their Balkanic blood…and there was something else! After receiving refugees from Ukraine, like many European countries did, Poland asked for… COMPENSATION!
Romania and Moldavia also received many refugees from Ukraine, gave them shelter, support, rights, total medical assistance, but never asked for compensation. First, I thought everyone was like us - helping refugees because they have problems at home and because they are blondes and non-Muslim (the skin color and religion seem to have been the main reasons Populist and Conservative regimes in Europe were sending back or letting Syrian refugees die in the sea.) Then I realized there are leaders ready to help refugees DEPENDING ON THE MONEY THEY CAN GET FROM THIS BUSINESS.
Even the Far-Right Hungarian PM Viktor Orban was very glad to accept migrants, only when he was getting paid for it. When the money stopped coming, he and his party realized that migrants are a horrible thing that should be stopped.
In Poland’s case, the situation was reversed! First, the PiS regime was totally against migrants, then, when they saw the chance of making some money on Ukrainian refugees’ backs, they said: “Why not?”
Poland proposed to offer its MIG jets fleet to Ukraine, of course, if NATO would give Duda’s regime the newest American fighter jets.
Duda and his PiS buddies can be happy! No matter what happens in Ukraine, they showed or mimed compassion, they mimed they cared for those poor people, even if they literally asked for money for that compassion, they have become heroes in the EU’s eyes! Who can criticize now a country that mimed so much compassion, a government that deserves an Oscar for its performance?
Independence of Justice? Who cares about that when the regime can be such a good pretender? If the Duda regime can so perfectly pretend it cares about Ukraine, all its sins are forgiven and forgotten!
This is Poland! A country that made all Europeans angry for the way it destroyed the Independence of Justice and for the way it mistreats Migrants, yet suddenly becomes an important defender of “European values”.
Forgiving the Duda regime for all its past horrible mistakes seems to function like Catholic confession for EU officials: confessing your sins gets you absolved. The only difference is a major one: When you confess, you must really regret your sins and at least try your best never to repeat them. I don’t think Andrzej Duda regrets instigating his constituents against migrants, so his big sins shouldn’t be forgiven. We are still waiting for Article 7 against Poland to be reinstated and the extremist Duda regime to lose any right to influence EU politics in any way!