Special report on Central China Normal University's handling of the pandemic
This report examines how students and faculty at Central China Normal University dealt with the epidemic in the early days after it broke out in Wuhan, China.
For a while, I wanted to capture everything that was going on at the Central China Normal University as the editor of the university magazine "Always CCNU". I decide to make this report public now, nearly two years after it was first written, to focus on one aspect of China's response to the pandemic.
Despite its dense population, China has demonstrated its strength as a nation, yet this pandemic was doomed to fail and was doomed to depart from China once it reached "zero-case”. The efforts of the Chinese medical personnel, army, and people to combat the disease began at the onset of the outbreak of this virus. At central China normal university in Wuhan Province, we can see how the Chinese respond to epidemics. In light of the escalating epidemic that is still occurring nowadays, this report will serve as a useful resource for anybody curious about the Chinese experience, particularly academic institutions.
Early challenges
My story with China, specifically with Central China Normal University, goes back about a decade ago. It goes beyond the relationship of a foreigner with another nation or a student at a foreign university; it goes far deeper than that, I don't even want to call it a romantic connection. In fact, as time goes on, the more solid it gets.
At the beginning of the epidemic in China, the city of Wuhan, the people joined forces with the medical staff and the army under government supervision to stop the spread of the epidemic; it was impossible for a virus to destroy this strong society. The Chinese have become more united because of this pandemic that afflicted them. All of China's provinces sent medical personnel, food, and medical equipment including face masks to help the city of Wuhan and other cities affected by the pandemic. Generally speaking, the Chinese populace appears to be adhering to rules established by the Chinese Ministry of Health. Everyone has abided by the curfew and other procedures to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
There was a heated battle going on between Wuhan, Hubei Province and the Covid-19 emerging epidemic. A 1,000-bed hospital was established in ten days under the supervision and plan of the government. Wuhan's medical doctors turned out to be the unsung heroes: Their lives are on the line to save those who have been infected by this virus. The Chinese medical facilities are working around the clock to discover a treatment for this virus, in addition to the measures taken by the Chinese government and the health institutions to properly and appropriately deal with the disease. Following a visit to Wuhan by World Health Organization Director-General, Tedros Adhanom, to Wuhan at the beginning of the epidemic, he lauded the city's health efforts. This virus can be cured soon, according to Adhanom, because of the tremendous work done by Chinese medical staff and institutes.
Truth "unmasked"
While the virus had been widely reported in the media to have converted Wuhan into an abandoned city, the truth is that Wuhan has become a belligerent city because it stands up for the interests of the whole globe. Much footage of the Chinese people's bravery and patriotism was shared on social media. One of the movies showed Wuhan locals chanting "æ¦æ±‰; åŠ æ²¹ – "Wuhan: Come On" from their balconies at night, which instantly became a trend on social media. In order to eradicate the epidemic, a large number of Chinese citizens have been given funds within their own country. Infected areas in China have received assistance from other Chinese regions. For those hit by the virus, Chinese communities throughout the world have sent medical supplies and other requirements.
A Covid-19 vaccine has been made by medical laboratories throughout the world, and China is one of those countries which contributed to a vaccine in order to put an end to this epidemic. Many nations have donated to China's relief efforts and others have voiced their sadness for China's plight, the virus has sparked an outpouring of international solidarity with China's leadership and people.
Covid-19 is a hazard to a huge number of foreigners in Wuhan, including many international students. Patients of all nationalities are treated equally at hospitals in Wuhan, and public health measures are implemented for the benefit of the city's whole population. In an interview with Sagyan Regmi, a PhD candidate at Central China Normal University, he stated that he would not leave Wuhan and would continue to fight against this virus together with the Chinese. As a form of psychological warfare against the Chinese, Regmi believed that the media had played an important role in creating fear among the populace.
Reassurance and safety are fostered by University Volunteers, as lauded by Regmi, who believes that Office 206 plays an important role in keeping tabs on student conditions and maintaining constant communication with volunteers. The university has also provided masks to further ensure student safety.
Student affairs at Central China Normal University are the responsibility of the International Students Office 206, which works hard to monitor students' situations and offers advice to them throughout this time. WeChat (a popular social media application in China) is being used by Office 206 to communicate with university students and provide them with day-to-day instructions and advice on how to deal with the virus. Additionally, volunteers were working together to keep tabs on the welfare of international students who are housed on campus.
Victory in unity
Lugazo Abubaker Lugazo, a master student working with Office 206, stated, "Our first purpose is to make sure all students are OK and we also help bring students to the hospital when needed, our task is to make communication faster between students and the university administration".
"Our role is to promote communication between the university administration and the students who are still within the campus, we also help to get students to the hospital because many of them do not speak the Chinese language", said Barry Ebrima, a volunteer who works with office 206. In his speech to the students, Ebrima told them to "cool down and respect the rules of the university".
Thank you to all of those who helped make this possible, including the university's administration and the Chinese government!
There is no need to panic, according to Carlos Rodriguez, a master's student, who emphasized the importance of adhering to university guidelines, such as wearing a mask when going outside. Rodriguez also thanked the volunteers for their efforts in providing up-to-date information about the virus and assisting in the communication process with Office 206 when needed.
International students and volunteers at Central China Normal University were fighting Covid-19 with bravery while adhering to the guidelines of the university and health authorities. The International Students Office 206 was always there to help students, to ensure that international students who are part of the Chinese community have appropriate health conditions.
Thanks to the International Students Office 206, the volunteers, and the Chinese government for treating international students with respect and providing them the care they needed in such difficult conditions, we owe them a debt of gratitude. The virus was destroyed as quickly as possible since Wuhan is the strongest.