NATO's puppet-masters are preparing for world war
Although US forces are already on the ground in Ukraine training, arming, and assisting in combat operations, the reality is that a full-scale war with Russia will destroy Europe.
NATO's puppet-masters are preparing for world war
Is war with Russia inevitable? Reading the Western press, one would have the impression that the Russians are not only poised to "invade" Ukraine but ready to nuke all of Europe. But how serious is the ‘Russian threat’? Is there even such a thing as a Russian threat? Is Russia threatening anyone? If not, who is doing the threatening and why?
To answer these questions, one needs to consider some constants of Anglo-Saxon geopolitics. Alfred Mackinder, the British geographer who invented the discipline, said that if the British were to dominate the world, they would first have to ‘divide the World-Island.’ The World-Island is Eurasia plus Africa. If you look at the map, you can see one continuous landmass. Ukraine represents a key strategic target for dividing the Eurasian landmass, cutting off the European peninsula from integration with Russia.
Anglo-American interests started First World War
At the start of the twentieth century, the German industrial domination of Europe threatened British global hegemony. The Berlin to Baghdad railway would have enabled Germany to gain access to Mesopotamian oil reserves, gaining a significant advantage over the British. Germany’s alliance with the Ottoman Empire was propitious to that end. To weaken and eventually break up the Ottoman Empire, the British supported ethno-nationalist separatism; to destroy Germany, they would have to force it into a protracted war. And once war erupted in the Balkans, Germany’s plans for the Berlin to Bagdad railway would be frustrated.
The result of a largely British orchestrated system of fragile alliances was the First World War. The war led to the death of about forty million people. France lost over a million of its fittest and bravest young men. Europe never really recovered from the First World War.
The mainstream media has always glorified the ‘roaring 20s’ as a time of ‘liberation’ and artistic innovation. But the post-war world was hell on earth for the working class, particularly in Germany which had to pay for a war it never wanted in the first place, and in reality, had not even, militarily speaking, lost. Germany had signed an armistice in 2018, not an unconditional surrender.
And it was America's entry into the war which forced the Germans to sign the armistice, in the hope of lasting peace. It wasn't until the Treaty of Versailles that the Germans began to realize that Zionists such as Lord Rothchild had persuaded the British to hand over Palestine to the Jews, in exchange for Zionist-controlled America's entry into the war.
Zionist bankers were the real victors of the war. Not only did they profit from the loans to Britain and France during the war, but the jackpot came with the Dawes and Young plans for German reparations during the 1920s.
By the 1930s, everyone knew that liberal democracy and capitalism were dead. And it seemed as if only Fascism or Communism could lead Europe out of its economic nightmare.
Fascism and Communism have come and gone. But now Western financier interests are pushing for another war in Europe, this time against Russia. Of course, the war against Russia has been going on now for a long time. The return of Russia as a major regional power has given the West a pretext for mindless bellicosity.
Any country East of Berlin which doesn’t submit to total Euro-Atlantic hegemony is demonized, subverted and, more often than not, attacked by proxy forces. NATO wants war with Russia because the Russian nation is an obstacle to its drive to control all of Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Atlanticists overthrew the government of Ukraine in 2014 because its President was not prepared to become an outright enemy of Moscow. The Americans had installed a puppet regime in Ukraine in 2006 following the Orange Revolution. But that didn’t last long. So, they had to recruit tougher types to succeed the second time: hardcore, tattooed neo-Nazis to be precise.
The Ukrainian Nazis, calling themselves Pravy Sector, murdered all before them. They marched through Kyiv holding up banners of Nazi war criminals such as Stefan Bandera. It was all good for the United States and the EU. The Americans weren’t too worried about supporting Nazis, as long as they were in Europe. Senior American diplomat Victoria Nuland, who helped orchestrate the coup in Kyiv, knew she was lighting the flames of civil war. Everyone knew then that the US-fomented civil war in Ukraine would eventually engulf all of Europe. But Nuland’s infamous attitude to that was, “Fuck the EU." Now the Biden regime -- probably one of the most unpopular in US history -- is determined to provoke Russia into fighting a war with Europe. For, although US forces are already on the ground in Ukraine training, arming, and assisting in combat operations, the reality is that a full-scale war with Russia will destroy Europe.
Who are the Nazis?
The Western elite and their media lackeys love to accuse anyone who disagrees with them as a Nazi. The reductio ad Hitlerum is a common trope of our dastardly leaders. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin recently made a fool of himself by tweeting that protesters against the Covid Sanitary Pass in Paris were making Nazi salutes. The Minister showed a still from a video on his tweet to prove his claims.
After Darmanin called for an investigation of the demonstrators, a journalist on mainstream media proved to his insolent face that the protesters were merely clapping. This would make a perfect example of how the ruling class uses fake news to wage war on the masses. But, of course, it will never make the school classroom lessons on ‘fake news' and ‘conspiracy theory’ because Western governments and media are always infallible. Gérald Darmanin is a scintillating example of ruling-class hypocrisy. Only a few months ago, he was tweeting about his great admiration for the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime. It is all nauseatingly ironic!
“Only the Russians produce fake news.” That is why the German government banned RT Deutsch. The German government wants to protect their people from hearing Russia’s side of the story, least they come to the conclusion that it is NATO and not the Russians who are behind the drive to war.
The German people must be convinced again that a Drang nach Osten is necessary. The enemy is no longer Judeo-Bolshevism, but rather Putino-Chauvinism.
All over Europe, hundreds of thousands of people are marching against lockdowns and forced inoculations. In many countries, the iatrogenic fear factory has been temporarily closed down. Now, we can relax about Omicron but have every reason to fear being nuked by the Russians! Now, military specialists, professors of international relations -- all hostile to Russia -- have sort of relayed from the virologists. But exhausted TV viewers will probably enjoy hating and fearing Putin more than the virus!
The recent resignation of Germany's Navy Chief after his comments praising Vladimir Putin is a strong indication of the sentiment in many military circles in Europe. Our soldiers are waking up to the fact that criminal politicians are pushing them into unnecessary wars. A third world war would be nuclear. Few would survive. There is no reason to believe our politicians will do anything to prevent such a catastrophe.