The Israeli political system is morally and ethically depraved
The so-called narrative of "the civilized world against barbarians" after October 7, 2023, and how the IOF are the most "moral" army in the world have been punctured by "Israel’s" genocide and apathy to war crimes.
"Israel’s" response to sexual abuse reflects how moral depravity is deeply entrenched in Israeli military (Illustrated by Ali Al-Hadi Shmeiss; Al Mayadeen English)
There should be no doubt about the moral depravity of the Israeli political system. One should look no further than the recent reaction to military accountability at the Sde Teiman prison facility. The pro-occupation protesters stormed the facility and called on the prosecutors to ensure that the preparators enjoyed immunity despite their notoriety for crimes against humanity.
Israeli military reservists were once again seen gangraping an innocent Palestinian man at Sde Teiman. The horrifying act was condemned internationally by human rights organizations and advocacy groups and should have ideally elicited a response of condemnation within "Israel" too. Instead, the Israeli government, its constituencies, members of the Knesset, sitting parliamentarians, and occupation soldiers defended the reservists and lionized them as "heroes".
This constitutes moral bankruptcy.
On the 29th of July, nine Israeli occupation reservists abused a Palestinian detainee held for questioning by gangraping him. The victim suffered anal trauma and encountered this harrowing act in a facility that has gained notoriety for crimes such as doctors amputating inmates, electrocuting detainees, and stripping inmates naked. The July 2024 gangrape resulted in a massive outcry from international human rights organizations but was met with notable silence from "Israel’s" allies, particularly the United Kingdom and the United States. Also, the moral depravity at Sde Teinman did not elicit a response within "Israel" with a notable absence of expressions of outrage or calls to hold the perpetrators accountable.
Instead, the Israeli response borders on moral depravity itself.
"Israel’s" response: Moral depravity being deeply entrenched
Protesters ranging from sitting Israeli politicians to occupation soldiers and far-right demagogues stormed the prison facility and demanded that the military police inquiry be withheld. They were supported by Zionists such as Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Police Minister and settlement advocate, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who lionized the perpetrators and added to the palpable rage with which agitators approached the entire issue. The dehumanization of the Palestinian race is hence visible if one examines how even on the question of prisoner abuse, the far-right government was quick to defend criminals and rallied massive support for their narrative. The protests took place even as the reservists were taken away, even though attacking prisons constitutes a flagrant violation of international law.
Such dehumanization also stems from the very top. Faced with mounting domestic and international criticism over "Israel’s" genocide in Gaza, Netanyahu made a fleeting reference to ensure calm in light of the protests. Yoav Gallant also encouraged an inquiry into the chaos without any condemnation of the brutal assault. This demonstrates how the Israeli political system is geared at equating all Palestinians as "terrorists, worthy of contempt, ridicule, and torture," while their own occupation forces, which are responsible for over 40,000 deaths in the Gaza Strip, should enjoy immunity.
The reaction to the gangrape also exposes the veneer with which "Israel" has propagated its so-called values to the international community. The so-called narrative of "the civilized world against barbarians" after October 7, 2023, and how the occupation forces are the most "moral" army in the world has been punctured by "Israel’s" genocide and apathy to crimes against humanity, including in prisons. The institutionalization of Zionism where every Arab is an "invader, a terrorist, and a vagrant" also cements moral and ethical corruption in the Israeli establishment which becomes more deeply entrenched in the absence of regional and international accountability.
Examined closely, what took place and previously took place at the Sde Teinam prison is a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. The problem, however, is that like "Israel’s" defiance of ICJ rulings and opinions that have called out its genocide and war crimes, the Netanyahu regime’s apathy and support for prisoner abuse will be sidelined by the Global North or Western countries. While coverage of the gangrape has been extensive internationally, the criminal silence of capitals such as Washington D.C. and London only emboldens the occupation forces to kill, maim, and torture Palestinians with impunity.
The fixation with Hamas and its legitimate right to self-defense against a decades-long occupation has dominated Western and Israeli discourse, which is why protests in favor of the Sde Teiman will either be met with indifference or unabashed support. The projection of the Palestinian cause as "illegitimate" and irredentist claims made on Palestinian territory by a settlement/occupation industry are allowing such prisoner abuse and crimes against humanity to be swept away as "Israel’s" so-called convenience, counterterrorism measure, and a necessity.
What is evident, however, is that the Israeli political system is morally depraved and parallels should be drawn with Nazi Germany. Without the international community taking notice and prosecuting "Israel" with sanctions, such moral bankruptcy is set to continue.