The mask has fallen as the West backs genocide in Gaza
Although Palestine is, geographically speaking, a very small piece of land and Gaza is even smaller, the indigenous inhabitants of this land have shaken up the entire world.
“Freedom”, “democracy” and a “rules-based order” are what the self-styled “civilized” Western governments claim to be guiding them. The so-called “leader of the free world” alleges that his administration upholds international humanitarian law and that they oppose all forms of racism and discrimination. This rhetoric may have held up in the past, but as the Western regimes participate in the genocide of yet another indigenous population, this time in Palestine, the mask that was once hanging from a thread, has finally fallen.
The government, headed by US President Joe Biden, which operates on the graveyard of one indigenous population, is commanding his empire to participate in another genocide. Western media outlets, which have for years claimed objectivity and neutrality, are suddenly incapable of simply reporting basic truths, and even release Nazi-style propaganda in order to justify a wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians in a concentration camp.
Although it is "Israel" that has directly slaughtered around over 11,000 Palestinians, it is becoming clear that this is another US war, one that the entirety of the West’s governments are backing, while their people overwhelmingly disagree. It is only a matter of time now, before the people realise that their hard-earned tax dollars are being sent to fund genocide, while the same governments refuse to properly fund their tuition, health care, infrastructure, and work instead to destroy the economic stability of the younger generations.
Despite it being somewhat of an oxymoronic concept to begin with, the Western governments and the corporations that own them, have projected the idea that Western liberalism is a superior value system that makes their nations morally exceptional on a cultural level. However, for the leaders in the Western World, there is one major problem with the presentation of the West’s ideals: it has all been predicated on the notion of equality. For regimes that are run by kleptocrats, whose only understanding of democracy is centered around which lobby group, billionaire, or corporation, votes with the highest donation, they have managed to keep many of their loyal constituents convinced that their long standing ethno-supremacy was a thing of the past.
When they teach Western children about the history of the West, they may well acknowledge the past sins of colonialism, slavery, genocide, Apartheid and all other forms of oppression practiced against the non-desirables they come into contact with, but often attempt to weaponise the wrongs of empire in order to sow division amongst the working peoples of their nations. A great example of how they have done this recently, has been the weaponization of identity politics in the United States, whereby the Democratic Party had styled itself as the champion of every minority identity group, whereas the Republican Party assumed the image of a White identity party with pseudo-populist leanings. Both sides of the aisle that had essentially taken over the Western collective consciousness, were entirely void of a class-based political approach, nor did they present tangible remedies to historical/ongoing injustices carried out against various groups.
In the hyper connected world in which we live today, our Western societies are multicultural in the major cities and every young person possesses a smartphone with which they educate themselves about the world around them. These young people are economically disadvantaged, when compared to the generations preceding them, while they have grown up in a world of interconnectivity that has educated them to the ideals of opposing the murder of people who may look different to them. Even people with Right-wing ideas in the West today would find it morally difficult to openly advocate for killing or oppressing people because of their ethnicity. The rhetoric espoused by the likes of former US President Donald Trump, is in truth the type of rhetoric that would be casually shared in the Western media around the time of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, even by pro-Democratic Party types. Today, Trump’s ideas about Muslims, immigrants and women are controversial, even despised. The reason why it is important to note this, is because the Western public has changed, especially the young.
According to polling data, it appears that the majority of US voters are in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza, while American President Joe Biden has dropped to a historic low in his approval rating, even from within his own party. In the United Kingdom, some 76% of British citizens polled responded by saying they favor a ceasefire. Yet, despite this, the leadership across the West cannot even bring themselves to entertain the idea of such a basic middle-ground position, instead they are supporting the clear mass murder of a defenseless civilian population in Gaza.
The US government has quickly mobilised to send tens of billions in military and foreign aid dollars to the Israeli regime, so that it can continue its genocide in Gaza. Every major Western corporate and state-run media agency have treated Palestinians as lesser humans that are devoid of deserving empathy when bringing them in for interviews, with very few exceptions, asking people who have had their family members slaughtered to condemn Hamas and come up with creative ways that “Israel” should continue killing their people. While, on the other hand, allowing Israeli military and political leaders to speak their minds - largely unchallenged - making ridiculous allegations, presenting them as reliable.
Western people are watching the horrifying slaughter of Gaza’s civilian population, 70% of which have been displaced and all of which have been denied humanitarian aid, live on social media. Then if they are to turn to the US President, he is openly lying about having seen photos of “terrorists beheading [Israeli] babies” and questions the number of Palestinians being killed. On the BBC, which released multiple reports in which it stated that Palestinians die, while Israelis are killed, they are labeling the internationally respected Palestinian Health Ministry a “Hamas-run health ministry”. The Washington Post is publishing cartoons of Palestinians that depict them as the Nazis did the Jews in World War 2. The people were watching. Lie after lie after lie after lie. Then, when the single Palestinian member of the US congress calls for a ceasefire and a free Palestine “from the river to the sea”, the bulk of the members of her own party vote to censure her.
Anti-BDS legislation has been adopted across some 35 American States, despite it being a clear violation of US law. European countries, such as Germany and France, have attempted to ban pro-Palestine protests altogether. In Canada, there are attempts to make pro-Palestinian chants illegal by classifying them as “hate-speech”. All as millions of people pack the streets across the Western world to denounce the atrocities that are being committed in Gaza.
The Zionist entity is the most racist regime on earth, it is now committing one of the biggest bombing campaigns in human history against one of the most densely populated areas on earth. The Israeli regime is recognised by all major human rights groups as an Apartheid regime and the war crimes it is committing in Gaza are so criminal that it is hard to even look. All of its crimes are being broadcasted around the world around the clock. There is no way for them to hide their brutality, everyone sees the images and videos of the scores of newly murdered children on a daily basis. Yet, the Western leaderships and mainstream media are pretending as if the obvious reality is not what it seems, they distort, lie and even openly advocate for the continuation of this genocide.
Although Palestine is, geographically speaking, a very small piece of land and Gaza is even smaller, the indigenous inhabitants of this land have shaken up the entire world. Their bravery, whether it be their Resistance fighters, their journalists, their doctors and ambulance drivers, or whether it be the survivors of the murderous bombings that have taken the lives of their families, they are an inspiration to the entire world. Gaza is the pulse that keeps humanity alive, its people and their faith summon courage, revolution and inspire us to make the world a better place. We may be a world away, but our soul lives in Gaza today. What Palestine has sacrificed, has removed the masks of the most powerful empire in human history, it has collapsed hundreds of billions of dollars worth of lies that have been conjured up over hundreds of years.
Palestine is waking the world up. Even if the revolution won’t begin tomorrow and the people will not summon their power in order to save Gaza, the motivation will grow and the burning desire of the people will be inspired for generations to come. What is being done to Gaza can never be forgiven, and it will never be forgotten.