Investigative journalist.
There can be little doubt that quadcopters are a fundamental component of Tel Aviv’s undeniable genocide in Gaza.
Kit Klarenberg discusses a recent TIME article, asserting it confirms US plans to abandon Ukraine after using it for a proxy war, and highlighting Western manipulation and looming geopolitical shifts.
Atrocities are and always have been hardwired into the ZOF. After all, Zionism is dependent on ethnic cleansing, population displacement, and land theft.
The Endowment grant database served as an invaluable tool for keeping a close eye on Washington’s international intrigues and mapping the personal and organizational connections of agents and entities of influence.
Romania’s outsized geopolitical importance to the Empire can't be clearer. In the weeks since Georgescu’s victory was vetoed, it has been announced that further scores of foreign NATO troops will be dispatched to Bucharest.
While never acknowledged in the mainstream, the Zionist entity’s sinister alliance with extremist opposition groups arrayed against Damascus has long laid in plain sight.
In the UK the war in Ukraine “has raised serious questions regarding the preparedness of government, society and the defence industrial base to support conventional warfighting at scale," according to the bombshell report which went largely unnoticed.
The British Royal Navy "has put all of its eggs in a particularly large and expensive basket,” that of its very unreliable aircraft carriers that may be put out of commission in the coming years.
The Salisbury incident’s ever-fluctuating official narrative continues to shift radically, in ways large and small.
Given British fears that Trump’s election will mean the proxy war’s end, Harris represents London’s last chance to foment “armed conflict of the old-fashioned sort” with Russia, as long-desired by IFS.