Banned Film on France's Massacres Against Algerians Rescreened in Paris
In memory of the victims of the Algerian War of Independence, the film "October in Paris" is being screened in the French capital.
In memory of the victims of the colonial crime which was committed against the Algerians during the Algerian War of Independence, the film "October in Paris" -the first long documentary on the massacres of October 17, 1961- is shown in Paris.
The film is supported by the Maghreb des films, which works in France to promote films related to the Maghreb.
Several shows are expected in Paris to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the peaceful demonstration organized by the Algerians in the French capital, which was violently supressed by the French police as per orders of Maurice Papon, the Prefect of Police in Paris at the time.
The screenings will be followed by debates that will be attended by individuals who witnessed this oppression.
The documentary, directed by Jacques Panijel, was secretly filmed in October 1961 and censored in France. It was finally released in cinemas in 2011.
The screenings come following French President Emmanuel Macron's denial of Algeria's existence before its colonization by France.