Ansar Allah rejects Gulf calls for consultations in Riyadh
Sanaa officials reject the Gulf Cooperation Council's calls for a Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue in Riyadh.
Member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council, Mohammad Ali Al Houthi
A member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council, Mohammad Ali Al Houthi, said the Yemeni-Yemeni consultations should be held as a prelude to dialogue leading to solutions in Yemen and not after exploratory dialogues that spanned for years without benefit.
On Twitter, Al Houthi pointed out that the solution in Yemen is very close if the will and credibility for peace are found in the US-British, Saudi-Emirati aggression and its allies.
تُعقد المشاورات كمقدمة للحوار المفضي إلى حلول
— محمد علي الحوثي (@Moh_Alhouthi) March 18, 2022
وذلك للتعرف على ما يريده كل طرف
ولا تُعقد بعد حوارات استكشافية امتدت لسنوات بلا فائدة
إن الحل قريب جدا - وقد أعلنا مقدماته مرارا - لو وجدت الإرادة والمصداقية في قرارتحالف دول العدوان الأمريكي البريطاني السعودي الإماراتي وحلفائه للسلام
In another tweet, Al Houthi accused the coalition of preventing the entry of oil derivatives and causing a fuel crisis.
للدول العدوان
— محمد علي الحوثي (@Moh_Alhouthi) March 18, 2022
قليل من الحياء
قبل ماتنهوا الحرب إنهوا أزمة المشتقات التي تمعنوا في إيذاء الشعب اليمني بمنعها وهي بامواله لا منة لكم فيها
For his part, the Minister of Information in the Sanaa government, Daif Allah Al Shami, accused those involved in shedding Yemeni blood of denying their responsibility through calling for dialogue.
المتورطون في سفك دماء اليمنيين من أنظمة وحكومات يحاولون بعد سبع سنوات من العدوان أن يخرجوا من التبعات كالشعرة من العجين، فيهرسون الأموال للكلاب الضالة والمشردة لتلعقها وتتحمل عار الجرائم نيابة عنهم.
— ضيف الله الشامي (@DhaifAlShami650) March 18, 2022
هذا ما تنطوي عليه هذه الدعوات..!!
فمن يضع رقبته بيد الجزار فلا بواكي عليه.
Call for dialogue in Riyadh is “mined”
Similarly, the member of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement's political bureau, Muhammad Al Bukhaiti said the goal of the aggression countries out of dialogue calls - under their guardianship at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Riyadh - is to circumvent any real Yemeni dialogue whose decision is in the hands of Yemenis.
In the same context, the Prime Minister of the Sanaa government, Abdulaziz bin Habtoor, stressed that the first step in any dialogue is to stop the aggression against Yemen.
During an interview for Al Mayadeen, bin Habtoor considered that the coalition countries' call for dialogue in Riyadh is “mined”, as they are calling for dialogue in a capital from which the aggression on Yemen is launched daily.
The atrocities of the Saudi-led coalition on Yemen
A few days ago, a source in the Sanaa government welcomed any dialogue with the countries of the Saudi-led coalition in any neutral country that is not participating in the war on Yemen.
The Gulf Cooperation Council had announced that it would proceed to hold Yemeni-Yemeni consultations and organize a dialogue for the warring forces in Yemen, to be held in Riyadh.