Iran: 'Israel' behind 1982 kidnapping of four diplomats in Lebanon
On the 40th anniversary of the kidnapping of four Iranian diplomats in Lebanon, Tehran holds "Israel" responsible for their kidnapping.
Iran: "Israel" responsible for the kidnapping of 4 diplomats in Lebanon in 1982
On Tuesday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry stated that "the kidnapping of 4 of our diplomats in 1982 is a symbol of a flagrant violation of the Vienna Treaty."
On the 40th anniversary of their kidnapping, Tehran explained that the diplomats were kidnapped by agents of the Zionist entity in Lebanese territory, under Israeli occupation.
"The Islamic Republic holds the Zionist entity and its supporters responsible for this terrorist act," the statement added.
Additionally, Tehran said it has not seen the cooperation required by the international community and human rights organizations to determine the fate of the four diplomats kidnapped.
Tehran also appreciated the efforts made by Lebanon to determine their fate, stressing "the necessity of forming a fact-finding committee between Lebanon and Iran, with the support of international organizations, to follow up on the issue."
On January 6, 2018, the Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces for Defense Industries, Hossein Dehghan stated that "Tehran believes that the four Iranian diplomats are still alive," noting that "they were handed over by collaborators to the Zionist entity."
Today, the Iranian Embassy in Beirut commemorated the 40th anniversary of the kidnapping of the four diplomats and organized a vigil.
Lebanese and Palestinian political and partisan activities participated in the commemoration, and they all considered that "the failure to disclose the fate of the four diplomats is a violation of all human rights norms," calling for an "international fact-finding committee to reveal their fate," according to Iranian Al-Alam channel.
The Iranian Ambassador in Beirut, Mohammad Javad Fairouz Nia, said, "This issue will remain alive and will not fall out with the passage of time because it is an issue of right and freedom, and it will remain a stain on the forehead of its perpetrators, be they individuals or parties alongside the Zionist entity."
He also explained that "all the information we obtained confirms that the kidnappers at the Barbara Checkpoint (infamous checkpoint held by the Lebanese Forces party at the time) handed them over to the usurping Zionist entity, which bears primary responsibility for their fate.”
The Iranian Ambassador stressed that Iran will continue to pursue all efforts and deal with this issue as a priority. until justice is served and the truth comes out.